IRE Security CE Opportunities

Suggested LinkedIn Learning courses

Here are some additional suggestions for training courses.  Visit LinkedIn Learning and search for the course title.

Title Length Description
Security Tips Weekly 3:23:00 Business leaders, tech team managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in the digital transformation of businesses and institutions will need a solid grounding in managing data and information. These foundational skills are rapidly becoming a legal necessity for anyone working in tech.
Security Matters (To Everyone) 0:33:08 Business leaders, tech team managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in the digital transformation of businesses and institutions will need a solid grounding in managing data and information. These foundational skills are rapidly becoming a legal necessity for anyone working in tech.
IT Security: Key Policies and Resources 0:33:08 This course seeks to make key cybersecurity policies and resources clear and understandable - whether you work in IT, in business, or are just interested in how cybersecurity fits in with our public policies and laws.
Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety 1:18:00 Learn how to secure your Windows computer and protect your privacy online, in this beginner's guide to computer security and internet safety.
Information Management: Document Security 1:02:00 Business leaders, tech team managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in the digital transformation of businesses and institutions will need a solid grounding in managing data and information. These foundational skills are rapidly becoming a legal necessity for anyone working in tech.
Human Resources: Protecting Confidentiality 0:50:04 Learn about the importance and responsibility of protecting confidentiality in the workplace.
JavaScript: Security Essentials 0:45:23 Ensure that your JavaScript applications are secure. Learn how to create more resilient code by effectively dealing with challenges such as cross-site forgery, server-side injection, and more.
iOS Development: Security 2:06:00 Learn development practices for building secure iOS apps. Discover how to safeguard your apps from current and future threats using the keychain, biometrics, asymmetric cryptography, and more.
Node.js: Security 0:52:31 Learn best practices that can help Node.js Developers secure their apps at all levels, from packages to the server level.
React: Security Applications 1:37:00 Learn how to reinforce the security of your React applications, protecting your code, data, users, servers, and more.
SQL Server: Security for Developers 1:27:00 Learn how to protect databases and preserve the integrity of an organization's data by configuring security settings in SQL Server.
Browsing the Web Securely 0:43:42 Discover how to protect your information, including your identity, your location, and data, while browsing the web. Learn how to set up a personal VPN and use an anonymizing browser.
Programming Foundations: Web Security 2:17:00 Learn about the most important security concerns when developing websites, and what you can do to keep your servers, software, and data safe from harm.
AWS Security Best Practices for Developers 0:46:31 Create stronger, more secure applications for AWS deployment. Learn security best practices for Identity and Access Management, S3 Storage, Key Management Service (KMS), and Cognito.
Securing Windows Server 2016: Securing Network Infrastructure 1:33:00 Learn how to secure network infrastructure, including virtual machines, in Windows Server 2016
SQL Server: Security, Encryption, and Masking 1:00:00 Learn how to build more secure applications using the advanced security features in SQL Server 2017: row-level security, data encryption, and data masking.
Securing Windows Server 2016: Server Hardening Solutions 1:11:00 Learn about server hardening solutions for Windows Server 2016. Discover how to configure file and disk encryption, configure patches and updates, and implement antimalware.